CA Satish Sharma
6 min readNov 1, 2020

Who should be centre of your universe?

Life is just an organised series of events….

“Being a part of the universe is being creature, creating a universe is being god.”

And being god is being in control of the things that have impact on you in any possible way. Who does not want to be a god? We all know the answer to this question because we all want to be in control of the things that are important for us, so we all want to be our personal god in our life. Real question is, is that so hard? Answer is capital NO. Being a god is not hard, its quite easy, hard part is preparing your mind to be god of your own life, being creator of your universe, being centre point of that very personal universe.

Let us have a look on this matter from another point of view. What are the things that have great impact on the quality of our lives? Let us list out them all. My top 5 are: -

1. Body

2. Mind

3. Work (and Money)

4. Family (and love)

5. Progress (and the play we enjoy)

For me, these are the items to control quality of lives we live. In other words, these are the areas to keep in control, to live a better and prosperous life.

Let us have a little introduction of the items I have listed out to pinpoint what are the meaning of these items and how they are important: -

1. Body

By body I mean the condition of our health, which in turn includes our diet in normal times, stamina on special times, and recovery in case of any disease. A healthy body is a bliss, only a healthy person can enjoy the life and can help other to do the same. Body is the tool to do anything and everything.

2. Mind

Mind is the directive power which can make anything move. Everything is created twice, once in a mind of a person and second time in physical reality. Mind is so powerful and important that everything originates here and can be destroyed here only. Mind means our ability to focus on strategy, to take rest as and when required, to reset the acquired knowledge and to gain more knowledge.

3. Work (and Money)

Work is what we do, and We are what we do. Work is the largest time consumer in one’s life. We study, so that we can acquire skills to do work and to get paid in return. Work takes one third of an average person’s life. Yes, the time an average person spent working is more than he spent with his loved ones. Work means the satisfaction we get from what we do, work also means how much we are getting paid for the skills and it also means what we do with money we get in return of our skills.

4. Family (and love)

Family is the thread which brings us to this mortal world, introduce us to every person we met, family plays a very important role in the values we get and how we apply them, family is the bar to measure success when our skills fade away with time and age. Family is number of people living together bounded with love. Family may include immediate family as well as friends, kids, and intimate partner.

5. Progress (and the play we enjoy)

We have come a long way in last many centuries from living in jungle to habitat cities. We like to explore new things and adopt better ones, we are not satisfied where we are, we want to go further, searching for growth is our basic instinct. Everybody likes to transform himself to forge the control he has on his life. Progressing, self-improvement with the things we enjoy is blessing which not so many people enjoy. Making a little progressing everyday while doing the things that entertain us is the key to happiness.

We have explored the item that will have a great impact on our lives, and we have listed out them with brief introduction of the same. Now let us put these all things together to make a life like a wheel. These five items are spoke of wheel called life. Every wheel needs a centre point which can bind the spokes together in turn to maintain balance.

Who is that centre point?

Yes, you get it right. YOU ARE THE CENTRE POINT. Deep down we all know that we are the centre point which can run these 5 spokes to maintain a healthy, balanced, prosperous, and soul-nourishing life. Knowing is different than doing. We may know one thing and we may do just opposite; history of humankind have many events to prove this point. Are you really applying what you know? Are you ready to be the centre point of your own universe and in turn to be your own god? ARE YOU?

Marcus Aurelius once said, “It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people but care more about their opinion than our own.”

This is a hard truth to learn and accept. Accepting something is first step to change the status quo. We invest too much time to get approval of others. Being a social animal, we are bound to do that, but doing the same at the cost of your own dignity, your own life is nothing but a slow suicide. People will love you till the time you are useful to them, that is another hard truth. Fulfil your responsibility to the extent you should, not a bit more, not a bit less. YOUR LIFE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INGRIDIENT IN YOUR LIFE. Recite it again and again until this penetrates your soul. Till the time it reaches your soul start a limited agenda to gift a life to you, a life which is a gift by you, a life which is a gift for you.

How can you do it? Let us make a three-point actionable list: -

  1. Make a daily routine that excites you.

It can be a 20-minute (or may be 3 hours if you are lucky to spare that much time, more is always better) task between all the hustles you are into. Believe me, giving you these 20 minutes will have exponential improvement on the other aspect of your life. Snatch these minutes from any other task if you must because this is the most important routine of the day. Do not miss it.

2. Realise that pleasing the people will not make you happy.

Decide your duties based on principles. Being selfish is not the goal here but not being a doormat is the key. Do what you must do but do only which you can publish on the front page of a local newspaper without having any regret.

3. Know that happiness will come from inside.

Nurture your true nature, listen to good music, play with the kids, spent time with the people you love, meditate, read what you can, have some moments in solitude. These are the pillars of happiness, not the approval from the people who do not care about your inner welfare.

Final Thoughts

Being Original in a fake world is an accomplishment. Live the life like you are on death bed, what will you want to memorise? Some regret or some accomplishments? Whom you want to see around? Some stupid strangers or your family that cares for you? What will you do if this is your last task in world? Do it every day. Because YOUR LIFE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT INGREDIANT IN YOUR LIFE.

PS:- The quote at the starting of article was my own. Putting it in inverted coma felt good so I did. 😊

CA Satish Sharma
CA Satish Sharma

Written by CA Satish Sharma

Chartered Accountant, Lawyer, Masters in philosophy, Masters in Psychology, interested in inventing the life, observer

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